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Thunderstorms – How To Behave Correctly

Thunderstorms – How To Behave Correctly

It's the weekend, you look out of the window, spot the blue sky and instantly just want to do some exercise. In moments like this, there's nothing better than heading out on your bike - every cycleholic knows that! However, the pleasure of cycling can become dangerous...

Would You Dare To Cycle Here?

Would You Dare To Cycle Here?

Bikemap users are an adventurous folk - they have ridden and uploaded more than 3.7 million routes all over the world up to now. Some of them not everyone would dare to ride or located in places few would take the time to travel to. Check out these 5...

My First Time Riding an E-Bike

My First Time Riding an E-Bike

The Bikemap office in Vienna has recently become home to three colourful newcomers: Thanks to i:SY and to the whole team's delight, we can now use three brand-new e-bikes to ride through the beautiful streets of Vienna. Apart from having undertaken a few short test...

Improving your Cycling Technique – Tips and Tricks

Improving your Cycling Technique – Tips and Tricks

Have you ever wondered if there's a correct cycling technique? Be honest - do you think that cycling only requires you to hold your balance? Of course, the more professional the skill set, the more necessary a good technique becomes. But using the correct technique...

10 Best Mountainbike Routes in Europe

10 Best Mountainbike Routes in Europe

Just you and your bike and the great outdoors - Unmissable trails A mountainbiker who competes in cycling events across Europe, Stefano De Marchi from Venice shares his adventures on his popular blog. Stefano uses Bikemap to plan and illustrate...

How To Get Into Mountain Biking: A Beginner’s Guide

How To Get Into Mountain Biking: A Beginner’s Guide

Bike lover Amanda Wilks of Mountain Bike Reviewed has a vast knowledge has a vast knowledge about mountain biking and can give you advice on how to restore an old mountain bike, how to enjoy an epic mountain bike adventure at night and more. For the Bikemap Blog, the...

10 Amazing Routes for Cycling in the Alps

10 Amazing Routes for Cycling in the Alps

Will shares his top routes in the Alps Will, a Canadian who lives in Geneva, calls himself “happiest when cycling uphill” but only began cycling in earnest when he made a New Year’s Resolution to achieve 10.000 km on his bike in 2005. That got him hooked...

How To Beat The Summer Heat

How To Beat The Summer Heat

This year, there were uncomfortably hot days even before the summer had officially started. Now, during the holidays, the heat sometimes becomes unbearable. The best solution is to cool off at the local pool. However, there's no need to completely renounce cycling....

7 Long-Term Benefits of Cycling

7 Long-Term Benefits of Cycling

Everyone knows that cycling brings many advantages, but despite the obvious positive effects of cycling, such as health benefits, improving your immune system, saving money and protecting the environment by leaving the car at home, many still prefer to take the car or...

How many calories do I burn when cycling?

How many calories do I burn when cycling?

Counting calories isn't everyone's business - but paying attention to your energy consumption is good for you, no matter if you want to lose weight or prevent performance losses. Here are a couple of useful tips for cyclists. Basic facts about your energy consumption...

How to stay hydrated on long bike rides

How to stay hydrated on long bike rides

Long bike rides can be quite challenging and test your limits, making it even more important to pay attention to taking in enough fluids in order to prevent dehydration, which can be life threatening. This post will tell you everything you need to know about how you...

Taking your Bike on a Plane – Tips & Tricks

Taking your Bike on a Plane – Tips & Tricks

Every world exploring bike traveller who wants to visit far-away destinations overseas or doesn't want to undertake the journey to the chosen destination by bike due to time constraints will at some point depend on planes as a means of transport for his bike. However,...