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E-bikes have become as popular as folding bikes – and both have their pros and cons. E-bikes support cyclists with their electric engine, however, they are also usually more expensive, heavier and bulkier than conventional bikes. Folding bikes on the other hand are light, agile and can be taken everywhere, but riding on uneven or hilly terrain is uncomfortable and exhausting and the bike needs more maintenance due to its many moveable parts. What would happen if the advantages of an e-bike were combined with those of a folding bike? That’s a question that also interested Vello, an Austrian bike manufacturer, leading to the creation of the Vello Bike+. Read all about the result of the unconventional union of e-bike and folding bike in this post.

Hard Facts

🚲 Cost: Between €2.900 to €3.990, depending on the model and additional equipment

🚲 Weight: About 12kg

🚲 Tires: 20 inches

🚲 Engine power: 250W

🚲 Battery: 160 Wh, charging time max. 3h, 3000 charging cycles, additional charging using KERS-Technologie while riding

🚲 6 drive modes

🚲 Integrated lights

How does it work?

The Vello Bike+ can be folded by simply pushing the rear wheel forward with your foot to fold the bike thanks to a magnetic joint. The handlebars are also foldable and retractable. In its folded state, the bike takes up only one fourth of the space it needs when unfolded and can be rolled away by pushing the saddle. When completely folded, the bike’s measurements are 57x79x29 cm. This makes it possible to take the bike with you in buses and trains. Another special feature of the Vello Bike+ is the electric engine with KERS-technology (Kinetic Energy Recovery System). Using KERS, the 160Wh battery is charged by sensors when there’s is tailwind, when you’re braking, riding downhill or simply pedaling. This means that the battery range is enhanced while riding. Of course, the Vello Bike+ can also be charged conventionally at a power outlet. It takes 3 hours at most to fully charge the bike this way.

An app-supported cycling experience

Another special feature of the Vello Bike+ is that the bike can be used in combination with its own app via bluetooth. Using the app, you can activate an electric lock for the rear wheel for theft protection or simply change the drive mode. Albeit coupling the bike with the app is necessary if you’re using the bike for the very first time, the app isn’t essential for the everyday use of the e-folding bike. Simply get in the saddle and pedal away. Unlike conventional folding bikes, slopes pose no problem for the Vello Bike+: The availability of 6 different drive modes enables you to choose the degree of electric support you want according to your surroundings. The battery reach depends on the drive mode and will last from 50km to 180km. The battery delivers what it promises, however, the cadence is quite high if weaker support mode is chosen. Actually folding the bike is simple, quick and efficient and requires almost no practice. The folded Vello Bike+ is so light that its low weight is a pleasantly noticeable, making transporting it very easy.


Looking at the price tag of the Vello Bike+ may shock you at first. But look again and the e-folding bike’s sleek design, low weight and practical handling will enchant you. Thanks to the amazing KERS-technology, the Vello Bike+ is the ideal bike for urban speedsters who love long rides as much as quick trips through the city.

Happy Cycling! 💙

Hannah Jachim

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Hannah Jachim
Hannah ist begeisterte City-Bikerin und Geographiestudentin. Sie genießt es, bei der Recherche von neuen Radregionen und Themen für den Blog immer wieder etwas Neues zu lernen.
Hannah Jachim
Hannah ist begeisterte City-Bikerin und Geographiestudentin. Sie genießt es, bei der Recherche von neuen Radregionen und Themen für den Blog immer wieder etwas Neues zu lernen.