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Last week we asked our Facebook users “What is the farthest you’ve ever cycled in one day?“. The posting got more than 200 commments! We did a little recap and put your kilometres together – you all together cycled more than 200.000 km! 😱


Here are a some of the highlights:

“450 km in 28 hours without stop.” – Iulian E.

“Farthest in one day was 178 Km from Gdansk in Poland to Kaliningrad in Russia.” – Stefan M.

“125 km with heavy Rucksack and headwind between Bolzano and Lago di Garda.”  Christiane B.

“168 km, around lake Balaton, Hungary.” – Szilvia N.

“Just above 300km – participated in Vätternrundan every year for the 18 last years.” – Per B.

“400 km. Just turned 70 years now I’m gonna try 500 km.” – Michael B.
“120km through the Rocky Mountains in British Columbia Canada.”  Lynda B.
“10 km from home to office.”  Oliver F.
“525km – Scotland end to end in 23.5 hours.” – Vic L.
“470km, von Stadtilm nach Ravensburg!”  Stefan P.

“481,9km bei den 25 Stunden von Feldkirchen.” – Markus Z.

“562 km beim Race Around Austria.” – Thomas W.

“140km in Sweden – fully loaded bike – but then I am an old lady and enjoy listening to the birds and smelling the flowers.” – Chris L.

“When I look at the comments I’m shy to tell about my 147 km in 7 hours.” – Sanni E.

“300km, Hualien Taitung roundtrip.” – Biking Taiwan

“154 km bei über 30 Grad im Schatten im August 2012 im deutschen Mittelgebirge mit vollem Gepäck.” – Steffen F. 
“320km, twice around New Zealand‘s Lake Taupo.” – Jonathan D.

24-hour cycling record

One user tagged Christoph Strasser. Why? The 34-year-old Austrian set the world record for 24-hour cycling. 941,873 kilometers in 24 hours – this is exactly the distance from Graz in Austria to Rom. 🚴


(c) Manuel Hausdorfer/limeART

What is the farthest you’ve ever cycled in one day?

Share your story with us – comment here or shoot a message to📨

Astrid Koger
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Astrid Koger
City biker and social media nerd. Astrid joined the Bikemap Team in August 2017 and is responsible for Marketing and all community related tasks. When she's not at the Bikemap office, she's probably out riding her way around pretty streets of Vienna.
Astrid Koger
City biker and social media nerd. Astrid joined the Bikemap Team in August 2017 and is responsible for Marketing and all community related tasks. When she's not at the Bikemap office, she's probably out riding her way around pretty streets of Vienna.